This is CUOMA

We are a team of people with offices in Spain and Argentina that create world-class digital solutions that help companies to offer services and experiences to users around the world.

We are a team of people with offices in Spain and Argentina that create world-class 
          digital solutions

Our values

Everything we do is focused on people. We research, empathize, devise, build and evaluate solutions for the real needs of people, your customers!



Each person in Cuoma has different skills and we take advantage of those skills to enhance the quality of the final product. We are a multidisciplinary team and that helps us to nurture new skills and understand the needs in a broader way.


We adapt all the time

We love challenges and we are not afraid of the unknown. This is how we grow. We adapt easily to each situation. If there is something we don't know how to do, we learn how to do it.


More than quality

We always do more than they ask for. We work with great dedication, attention to detail and professionalism. We love what we do and it shows in each of our solutions.

We are restless & curious

When we’re not working for our clients, we like to experiment. It helps us think new thoughts, learn, meet new people, create new things, and challenge ourselves.

and here, some more facts

years in business
Born in October 2005
team of

Headquarters in Argentina

Headquarters in Argentina

Headquarters in Spain

Headquarters in Spain
Santiago Martinez Adrián Ojeda Lucas Urquiza Fabián Cuenca

Run by

friends & industry experts

Want to know a little more about us?